👉 Boards of Canada’s Vibrations - a playlist by Moz and Fredd-E 🎧

artists mentioned by Boards of Canada in their interviews


The Beach At Redpoint

The Beach At Redpoint
Running time 4:19
Appears on Geogaddi


Samples / Lyrics


  • Redpoint is a little village on the west of the Scottish mainland, where Red Point juts out into the sea, between Loch Torridon and Loch Gairloch; it is almost, but not quite, as far north as the northern tip of the Isle of Skye to the west.[1]
  • There is also a Red Point Park on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Cascading red rock outlines a beach.[2]


External links


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redpoint
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Point_Provincial_Park

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