👉 Boards of Canada’s Vibrations - a playlist by Moz and Fredd-E 🎧

artists mentioned by Boards of Canada in their interviews


To The Wind

To The Wind
Running time 2:30
Appears on Old Tunes Vol. 2


Samples / Lyrics

  • 0:00, throughout - Female vocals
  • 0:50 - Male voices:
    "You can get a better hit than that."
    "Very beautiful."
    "[indistinct] and lock the laser on the target, Aaron."
    "Locking the laser on target. Target is no more."


The synth starting about 33 seconds into the song may be inspired by background music from the 1985 TV show 'Misfits of Science'.[1]


External links


  1. https://youtu.be/YVf4RIH5Gkw?t=2797