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artists mentioned by Boards of Canada in their interviews



Stry Craty Bya

Am I not following something right, or are this song and "Eno Test" one and the same? I have a "Stry Craty Bya" but people are saying it's Eno Test.

They appear to be two different names for the same song. Given that it's a P2P song without a clear origin, it's likely it was renamed. This is one of my favorite songs in my library and I'd like to give the right attribution for the artist who crafted this song. It's strange that such a beautiful tune would be an orphan, with no one to claim it. I just found tonight that the melody at the beginning of Stry Craty Bya appears in a Brian Eno mix. Perhaps Eno originally made it, or he provided the raw material (the melody) for an artist to add to later. Link here --> https://soundcloud.com/all-saints-records/enoclark-mix